
Facebook: UMass Amherst EMS

LinkedIn: UMass Amherst EMS

Instagram: @umassems

We sent a group to the New England Wilderness Medicine Conference!

We sent several crews to help staff the Belchertown Fair!

Welcome our Newbie class of F'24!

Starting the year off strong with a Concert! Shout out to The Driver Era & Flo Milli

Spring 2024 Agency Photos!

Working a UMass Hockey game, the crew had the joy of spending some time with UMPD K9 Parker!

A wonderful crew for Commencement 2021!

Of course the 2021 Directors had to pose with the gators too!

We got our vaccine...have you got yours?

Busy day keeping Homecoming 2019 safe!

MCI Mania 2019!! Talk about one stress-inducing nightmare!

I think our EMTs were glad this wasn't real!

UMass Lunch on the Lawn 2021 with free #1 dining in the country?? Count us in!