Pictured above our F'22 newbie class!
Application FAQ's
Listed below are some FAQ's that we receive every year about the application to join. If you have a question not listed or still need more information, do not hesitate to reach out to the Executive Director at umassemsed@gmail.com
What certifications do I need to apply?
To be eligible to test, you must be a matriculated UMass Student who has more than 1 semester of classes left, a certified EMT in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, certified with the NREMT, CPR certified, and possess a valid driver's license.
What If I can't make the day of testing or orientation?
Unfortunately, If you are unable to make either test day or orientation, we can not offer you a spot In the agency.
I am an out-of-state EMT, how do I transfer my EMT-B license to Mass?
Massachusetts has a form to use to apply for an EMT-B certification if you have an NREMT certification. If you have or have ever had EMT certification in any other state, you must also complete the state verification form. Your NREMT must be current and in good standing through the time of the process. To begin this process, click here for the out-of-state Verification form. The out-of-state verification form Is then sent to your state EMS office, a map of which can be found here. Next, click here for the Mass License Application Form. Submit the complete application with your certification fee and required credentials to send to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The address Is found on that form.
How does testing work?
Each potential member who applies will sit for a written exam prepared by the Director of Training. This written exam Is akin to the NREMT written exam, except that questions are based on the MA State Protocols linked here. Questions can be patient care scenarios, medications, medical or trauma-related, and more. Anything In the protocols Is fair game. A certain percentage of applicants will then be invited back the same day to participate In the practical portion of testing. Again this practical portion Is similar to the NREMT practical, except that It Is based on the MA State Protocols. There are 4 practical stations and 1 Interview. The 4 stations are Medical, Trauma, CPR, and Splinting. Successfully passing 3 out of 4 practical stations grants acceptance to the agency and orientation the following day.
If you have testing accommodations through the university, reach out to the ED.
How can I practice and prepare?
We strongly recommend that you study the MA State Protocols found here. Being extremely familiar with the protocols prepares you best to answer questions on the written exam. For the practical exam, knowing the protocols and being familiar with the practical skill sheets for the 4 stations will best prepare you. UMass EMS uses a specific CPR testing style that can be found here. Additionally, the week before testing Is known as Potential Members (PM) Week. During this week, you will get to meet the 5 directors and ask questions, practice completing the practicals with UMass EMS Members guidance, and a Kahoot that will have written exam practice questions. Specific Information will be sent to you after applying!
How many people are accepted each semester?
The amount of potential members that are Invited back to the practical exam Is determined by the distribution of the written exam results, and therefore can not be answered. The better you score on the written, the better chances you have!