How do I become an EMT?
Steps to becoming an EMT-B
UMass EMS only hires applicants who have their EMT-Basic certification. If you are Interested In joining, or simply want to learn how to become a certified EMT-B, read on below!
To be eligible to become an EMT-Basic In the state of Massachusetts a person must:
Be at least 18 years of age
Abstain from the abuse of drugs which impairs professional judgment and/or practice
Be free of any physical or mental impairment or disease which could reasonably be expected to impair the ability to be an EMT, or which could reasonably be expected to jeopardize the health and safety of the patient
Meet the training requirements applicable to the level of certification
Obtain National Registry of EMTs (NREMT) certification by successfully completing a Massachusetts psychomotor (practical) examination and NREMT cognitive (computer-based) examination
Finding a Class
The first step Is to find your EMT Course. The Office of Emergency Medical Services offers a website found here that shows where accredited training institutes can be found. The length and cost of these classes can vary greatly. A general rule of thumb Is that the shorter your class Is, the more It will cost. There are pros and cons to this, as you can quickly earn your license, but It Is time-consuming, costly, and generally a steep learning curve. The initial training course for EMT-Basics consists of Didactic (classroom) learning for personnel who intend to work as EMT-Basics in conjunction with an ambulance service in Massachusetts and must be taught by a DPH-accredited EMT training institution.
Linked HERE Is a spreadsheet of classes In Western MA and the Boston Area to take EMT Courses. This spreadsheet Is managed by ED Elsa and Is updated twice a month.
Take your class In a time frame that works for you
You want to make sure that whatever length your class Is, you can dedicate enough time to It. This may mean delaying when you take your class. Many UMass EMS members waited until either Winter Break or Summer Break to take their course. Your class curriculum Is meant to cover all the skills necessary to be an EMT. This would include getting you CPR certified.
Take the NREMT Written and Practical Exams
The NREMT psychomotor exam, or practical exam, Is an In-person assessment where applicants perform skills necessary to be an EMT-Basic. The NREMT cognitive exam, or written exam, Is an adaptive test that assesses general knowledge of protocol and treatment standards. If your class does not schedule these exams for you, Its generally recommend to take the practical first, and then the written.
There are two methods to apply for your license, online and mail-In. Applying online Is much easier, and can be done here. Navigate to step 1 to follow the link and either log-In or create an account. Then navigate to the menu on the side and select Initial Application. From there you will select Emergency Medical Services, EMT-Basic, and Application. Complete Demographics, License Address, and Questions. Next, submit the application summary and proceed to pay the MA State Application Fee.